2009 a. Kooli tulistamises süüdistatakse Cs ja FarCry 2-te

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Postitusi: 1601
Liitunud: 28 Mär 2009, 16:49
Asukoht: Juhkendali 29, Tallinn

2009 a. Kooli tulistamises süüdistatakse Cs ja FarCry 2-te

Postitus Postitas UnoSiin » 18 Sept 2009, 19:02

2009a kooli tulistamises süüdistavad siis psühholoogid Counter-strike ja farcry mõju, 17 aastasele poisile. Poiss kandis koolis Counter-strike-i sarnaseid riideid ja tappis enamus on 15-nest ohrist lasuga pähe, nagu see cs-is kombeks on. Poiss võttis ka ühe inimese vangi ning peksis teda, mida seostatatkse Farcry 2-ga. Farcry 2, mis oli markeeritud ERSB poolt "mitte mõeldud noortele", sai poiss ema käes jõuludeks.
Spoiler! :
Reinmar du Bois is child and adolescent psychiatrist. He is responsible for the official reports of the massacre Winnenden. Tim K., 17 years young, early in 2009 killing 15 people and then himself to be addressed in the report included, inter alia, so-called violent games. To have information according to two first-person shooter levels significantly influenced the course of events. "DuBois shares his expertise in the killing spree in two phases. In the first phase had its Tim K. Counter-Strike experience translated into reality: His clothing was similar to that of the characters, and seemingly emotionless, he killed most of his victims with targeted shots to the head - in the bloody computer game, this is very rewarding, "says the article in the mirror. Du Bois is further quoted: "His subsequent flight from the school, where he shot another man and kidnapping an innocent motorist, the Tim K. at gunpoint for hours to a random walk forces, like the advice is that 'from the action schema Far Cry 2 '. In a plot summary for the game says:' The superior numbers and firepower of the enemy you can only by stratagem, surprise, deception and brute force to make up course ' ". K. After this deed was re-emerged in the real world and killed himself, so du Bois. His mother gave the 17-year-old Far Cry 2 for Christmas. Poiss sooritas siis enesetappu pärast politsei saabumist.

But Reinmar du Bois sees the guilt not only in the violent games. Even his hobby of his father, shooting, have contributed to Tim K. export the violence. His father recalls: "The Beretta was him. He liked her immediately," he gave to the police log. In addition, psychotherapists have failed in the run. Thus, after five meetings, but expressed the suspicion of "atypical autism", an "acute internal or Fremdgefährdung" we have not been able to analyze. In a final interview with the parents in September 2008, the therapist, Tim K. fewer films and games, recommended permit, which were not released for his age. His mother gave the 17-year-old Far Cry 2 for Christmas. Christmas 2008. Far Cry 2 received by the ESRB rating of "no release of youth".
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Natuke imelik on süüdistada mängu, mina isiklikult süüdistaks ikka vanemaid ja poissi ise. Olen mänginud mõlemat eriti csi(4-5aastat) ja ei ütleks et see tekitab himu koolis tulistada.

Postitusi: 2582
Liitunud: 26 Mär 2009, 20:47
Asukoht: Türi

Re: 2009 a. Kooli tulistamise on süüd Cs ja FarCry 2

Postitus Postitas dreysebud » 19 Sept 2009, 07:35

Täpselt, ei tea kust otsast mängud süüdi on. Pigem ikka poisis endas, kui mäng nii palju mõjutas teda.
Tel: 56341701
E-mail/Msn: mcdrey87@hotmail.com

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Foorumi Super Eliit
Foorumi Super Eliit
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Liitunud: 28 Mär 2009, 16:15

Re: 2009 a. Kooli tulistamises süüdistatakse Cs ja FarCry 2-te

Postitus Postitas diidzei » 19 Sept 2009, 08:49

ma siin praegugi istun terroristi riided seljas ja m4 käes, mõtlen et kellele võiks hs teha :)

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Liitunud: 14 Juun 2009, 16:54

Re: 2009 a. Kooli tulistamises süüdistatakse Cs ja FarCry 2-te

Postitus Postitas anOs » 23 Sept 2009, 13:41

süüdisdage jah counter strike Poisil endal on probleeme kohe m2ngu kallale :))
zll fr0z3n llz x


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